Saturday, May 14, 2005

Young at Heart 2005

Northwest Explorer | Vistoso 'joke' lasts 12 months
Some jokes take on a life of their own.

Otherwise, Mr. Bulris would not be Mr. December, sporting a big grin, ample skin, and a well-placed bow carefully guarding his modesty.

Actually, none of Vistoso Village's distinguished retirees would be posing as pinups for a wall calendar - Mr. Myhr wouldn't be Mr. March, and Mr. Wiczynski wouldn't be Mr. September - except that somebody made a joke.

That somebody was Judy Humitz. She and her friend Diane Uhl were driving in their gated Vistoso Village community off Rancho Vistoso Boulevard, several months ago, when they spotted a fellow resident out scrubbing his driveway.

"What are you two up to?" Mr. February asked, although at the time he was just Jim Aldrich. His tone implied that "mischief" was his guess.

Humitz hated to disappoint.

"We're scouting for male models for the center of our calendar," she quipped. It was the first thought that entered her mind.

..."What if we made money on it so we could get something we need?" Humitz wondered, after more than a couple of men facetiously vied for prime calendar spots.

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